Hot night for hot design!

On Friday eve our team popped down to the annual University of Ulster Degree Shows to see the latest talent emerging from Graphic Design in Belfast. It was a pleasure as always to catch up with course tutors, Richard McElveen, Liam McComish and Jill Spratt. Jill had been an excellent guide at Thursday’s preshows in walking us through the projects to help facilitate our current recruitment drive. So on the night it was great to put faces to projects and make introductions. The work was particularly well crafted this year and Ryan paid close attention to the International Society of Typographic Designers submissions that he annually scores nationally. The vibe was electric as celebrations began, we were glad to be part of the night that we remember so well when we completed the course. We definitely identified a few future design leaders and congratulate the year on such a high standard!

University of Ulster Degree Shows 2015

The team at Kaizen Brand Evolution had the opportunity have a sneak preview of the 2015 student submissions for the graphic design and illustration courses final year exhibitions at the University of Ulster Belfast in the afternoon before the big event. Walking around the array of skill sets ranging from illustration, branding, typography and design it is clear to see that this years awards shows are destined for success. Illustration was a large part of the shows, which is a slight change from my days at Ulster University, it’s refreshing to see a discipline with more focus in the course. We were treated to some olives and bread as we perused the students final year projects which paired well with the level of maturity in some of the stalls, notably Emma Kenny and Tiernan Delargy. Being huge type fans we were drawn to these two students areas. Emma’s level of understanding a project from fruition to completion was a breath of fresh air while Tiernan’s attention to detail and obvious non-stop work ethic was inspiring. A great success for the 2015 degree shows. Roll on 2016.