Brogans – brand identity

PJ Brogan Opticians are a pillar in their respective communities across Lisburn and Ballynahinch, known for their expertise and reputation in optometry. This family-run business has kept ahead of the curve in terms of their offering and adapted with the ever-changing demands of modern customers. 2020 brings a new opportunity for PJ Brogans in that they have chosen the team at Kaizen Brand Evolution to re-fresh their brand identity across all stores.

In the initial phases of the re-brand it was clear that PJ Brogan’s where a modern, forward looking company with a clear objective at hand – attract new, younger customers whilst retaining their core audience and expanding the brand reach, becoming relevant in 2020.

We approached the re-brand project with a look to modernising and re-stating the business through strong, simple communications that would easily fit into the buying persona of a modern retail audience. Firstly the logo needed re-thinking and with this we wanted to introduce a smart yet subtle link between the letters in PJ Brogan and the immediate visual representation of the business – in this case a pair of glasses. A large part of the re-brand was actually in the name – we asked the question, do people still say the full moniker “PJ Brogans’ or is it simply known as Brogan’s? The answer was Brogan’s – and in the best interest of telling the truth about the business we shortened the name to Brogan’s.

In their own words: “We aim to delight our patients with our personal service, innovative eyewear and clinical expertise.” Pairing off with a unique statement which under-pins the logo we introduced ‘eyes and ears’. This was a result of careful attention to what Brogan’s work for and where their passion lies. Language in situ we had the ingredients for a real ‘eye-catching’ brand system.

One of the ways I rate success in a logo design is when someone perhaps doesn’t see something and is surprised (in a little way) when something hidden within the logo is revealed later. We achieved this with an intertwined glasses icon which hides in the ear, links and loops of the G in Brogan’s.

Paired with a modern, luxurious and almost trendy colour palette, we have created a retail/specialist brand identity in line with the company’s trajectory and the buying patterns of its ideal customers. The symbolism and logo versatility sit strongly across signage, internally and externally as well as online, importantly on their new website (designed and built by us at Kaizen Brand Evolution) and social presence. The brand now sits firmly in the 2020 landscape and is ready for the next phase in Brogan’s business journey.

It was a pleasure to craft and create the language, identity and brand projections for Brogan’s and we all thoroughly look forward to how the brand rolls out and more importantly how the customers engage with the new brand system in place. We continue to work with Brogan’s as they embark on this re-brand for 2020 and beyond, creating all marketing assets across print and digital. Keep an ‘eye’ as Brogan’s hits the high street with their shiny new identity.

When is it time for a new website?

Your website is the heart of your business. And yet whenever it gets mentioned you feel the need to apologise for it. If this is you then that is probably a tell-tale sign that you need a new website. There are many instances, however, where you may not be so sure about whether or not it is the right time for a change. So how do you know when is the right time to take the plunge and invest your time and money?

You’re getting traffic but no sales

You may well be in the position where your website has previously worked for you and your business, but you have noticed that sales seems to have dried up. If you find yourself in this situation then it’s time to take action. A large amount of traffic without sales suggests that you have an established website in the search engines, but there is something blocking your visitors from buying with you.

Before you go spending out on a new website, it’s important that you make sure that there isn’t anything simple that you may be missing. There are many reasons why your customers may not be buying through your website that could well be because of a specific issue on your site. Rather than a more general usability issue, it could be that you are experiencing one of the following problems;

  • Part or all of your payment gateway is broken
  • Vital information isn’t displaying or is broken
  • Your site works on some devices and browsers but not others
  • You experience regular server errors or problems
  • You haven’t updated the website in a long time
  • Competitors are offering something you are not

If however, after looking closely at possible problems, you can’t find any blocks like the above, then it may well be time to think about investing in a new website. If you’re getting traffic but no sales then you are leaving money on the table. Here’s when it’s time to spend some cash;

Your website is unresponsive

Over half of web traffic is now made via mobile. And depending on your industry, it can be much higher than this. If you work B2C then your customers will invariably access your site via mobile phone. If your website isn’t responsive then you may as well be cutting off over half of your audience. 

Your site is difficult to navigate

Besides responsiveness, navigation issues are the next biggest killer when it comes to your sales. Your customers are not patient when it comes to their experience with you. If you can’t fulfil their requirements in a few shorts seconds or within a few clicks then they will disappear into the ether never to be seen again. Making your website as easy as possible to navigate is vital to ensuring you convert the traffic that is coming to your site. 

You are getting left behind

With ever-advancing technology comes ever-increasing expectations. While your website may be more or less functional, is it capable of providing the solutions that your customers expect? If you’re not looking forward then you will soon be left behind. Make sure you keep ahead of the curve and seek out the advantages made possible by new technologies. 

Kaizen Brand Evolution

If you think that it may be time to invest in a new website but you aren’t quite sure, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. At Kaizen Brand Evolution we can help you diagnose any issues that may be affecting your site. So, if you’re looking for honest and open advice on whether or not to take the plunge then get in touch today via our contact form or by calling 028 9507 2007

How to make your brand stand out from the crowd

In a world of ever-increasing noise, making your brand stand out from the crowd has never been so hard. There has never been so much choice and there have never been so many different ways to buy or research. So how do you stand out in a world full of people aiming to achieve the exact same thing – and often while selling the same products and services? 

Be you with your brand

You can be the biggest, best or loudest brand in the world, but if it doesn’t feel authentic then you are unlikely to get the results that you want. You don’t have to try to pretend to be something that you are not in order to get attention. Providing a service that people want, need or value means that your brand has an important purpose. The secret to how to present your brand should start from this point. If you can find a way to encapsulate the value that you provide your customers then you are halfway there to creating a brand that stands out from the crowd. 

Be different with your brand

Once you’ve come to understand your brands KSP’s, the next step is to think of a way to communicate this. Being different, however, is easier said than done. There are very few brands that can say that they are genuinely unique. Most brands occupy a crowded space where choice is plenty for the consumer. 

So how do you build a brand that can differentiate itself from the crowd? The answer to this question also lies in what it is that makes you valuable to your customers. While there are numerous brands that either do what you do or do something similar, there is only one brand that is yours and yours alone. Find out what makes you different and amplify it. 

Being different might come from any one of the following values;


Does your brand push the boundaries in your industry? Is there anything that you do, or any process that you follow, that no-one else does?

Customer Service

Do you take pride in giving exceptional customer service? There are fewer more valuable selling points than a brand that can demonstrate genuinely great customer service. 


Does your brand make a positive difference to the world? Whether directly or indirectly your brand will provide a service that helps others. 
Whatever it is that makes your brand tick. Find it, and tell the world about it. 

Be high quality

Once you’ve got your message right, you’ll want to make sure that you do it justice. You don’t want to stand out from the crowd for the wrong reasons. Knowing what your brand should say and how it should be presented is one thing – executing it is another. Great brands stand out from the crowd, partly from a great underlying message, and partly from great design. Understanding how to encapsulate what you do in a few short words or images, or in a logo, is not an easy task.

Kaizen Brand Evolution

And that’s where we come in. At Kaizen Brand Evolution we have spent years honing our craft. Our expert design team have worked with countless brands to increase their brand presence. We know what works and what doesn’t. Our many years of experience of finding design solutions to brand problems make us perfectly equipped to take your brand and give it the x-factor to make it truly stand out from every other brand out there competing for the same space.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help then get in touch via our contact form or by calling 028 9507 2007.

2020 – is it your time to rebrand?

Where did the last 10 years go? This is the question that has been on everyone’s lips since the turn of the decade. Ten years on and (if you’re anything like us) added a few distinguished-looking grey hairs and wrinkles. But what about your brand? Has your brand aged quite so gracefully, or is it time for a rebrand? Is your new year’s resolution to give your brand a revamp? And if not, should it be?

Here’s how to know when it’s your time to rebrand. 

You’ve lost momentum

A brand is only as fresh as the people behind them. If you are passionate about your brand and what it stands for then this is half the battle. If, on the other hand, you feel like your brand has hit a bit of a rut, then this is likely to show over time in your brand too. Typical examples of this include brands that have;

  • Brands that have never considered branding to be all that important
  • Brands that have stopped trying to evolve what they already have
  • Brands that have forgotten what they initially stood for

You’ve taken a wrong turn

A brand should be in a constant state of evolution, but this does not mean that you should abandon or forget about where your brand started. Brands that have lost their way typically;

  • Try to appeal to everyone all at the same time
  • Send out contradictory messages
  • Seem confused in their approach 
  • Contradict themselves in their presentation and sales messages
  • Break brand guidelines or do not have any

If you feel like you tick any of these boxes then it’s probably time for a rebrand. 

How a rebrand can help

Without a rebrand, it can often feel like you are throwing money at problems that you can’t ever seem to solve. A rebrand can diagnose where you may be encountering problems and put a plan in place to get your brand back on track. A rebrand gives you a solid direction to take that you know you can use as a guideline for all of your marketing and sales messages moving forward. If you are confident in your brand and your message, then you can feel confident in all further investments in it. 

What’s involved in a rebrand?

A rebrand will look at your business in detail and attempt to understand what it is that makes it tick. It will also look at your customers and potential customers and how you fit into their daily lives. Once you know who you are and who your customers are a rebrand will bridge the gap with brand and design assets. Finally, it’s time to get your brand out there with targeted and tailored marketing and branding campaigns. 

Where should you put your new brand?

You’ll want your new brand to be seen by as many of the right people as possible. Depending on your customers and what you are trying to achieve this can include any number of the following assets;

  • Your website
  • Digital marketing campaigns
  • Branded stationary
  • Branded promotional material
  • Clothing (work or otherwise)
  • Printed marketing materials
  • Letterheads & business cards

And the list goes on. If it doesn’t already then your brand should live in as many places as is feasibly possible. No stone should go unturned when it comes to using what you have to get your name out there. 

Successful brands consider their brand in everything that they do and every decision that they make. Over time, this is likely to mean making some difficult decisions and making some sacrifices. But this is all part of what it takes to drive a brand forward.

Kaizen Brand Evolution

At Kaizen Brand Evolution we understand the difficulties that brands face in evolving their brand and in keeping it fresh. If you’d like to find out more about what we can offer you can visit our rebranding page. Alternatively, you can get in touch via our contact form or by calling 028 9507 2007.